Monday, September 19, 2011

{memento mori}

“If we discovered that we had only five minutes left to say all we wanted to say, every telephone booth would be occupied by people calling other people to stammer that they loved them.” Christopher Morley

it is very hard for me, but this is something i'm working on. i have to remind myself. "live as though you would lose them."

this is especially true about our families...our siblings. it's so easy to ignore them. to think they are annoying. but if we really lost them, how would our lives be changed?


thinking of things in the light of death gives a sudden urgency. as a Christian, i know that i'll spend eternity in heaven, but i also want to think of what i'll leave behind.

when my grandmom died, my mom had some things she had to work through about when she didn't understand or didn't agree with what my grandmom had done. but she couldn't ask her those questions.

my mom told all of us to tell her if there was anything we had against her {my mom}. she didn't want us holding anything against her when she was gone. it would just add to our grief


  1. mwahahahahahah!!!! I discovered it! hehee :)) {and i gotta say i like it, o you secretive one}...and, you stole a certain *something* of mine...can u guess what?

    ~oh lala

  2. p.s. u may delete my zany comment if u so desire (and this one too, for that matter :)
